The Full Facts on Fibre

    The word ‘fibre’ frequently appears on cereal boxes and other packaged foods, yet many of us do not realise the importance of fibre in our diets for long-term health, weight control and ...

Nuts, Seeds and Nut Butters

  Nuts and Seeds These should be unsalted and raw, not roasted. It's best to store them in the fridge as this prevents rancidity and increases their shelf-life. Aim to soak small quantities for at le...

Gluten-Free Grains and Flours

Gluten-Free Grains: Oats (Preferably certified gluten-free) Oat groats Millet flakes Buckwheat flakes Buckwheat groats Quinoa and Quinoa Flakes Bulgar wheat Brown rice Wild rice Gluten-free Oat ca...

Beans and Legumes

Beans and Legumes Buy dried beans and lentils to soak and cook at home, rather than tinned versions. Look out for beans sold in cartons (Tesco stocks them) or sprout your own at home! Chickpeas Bor...

Oils and Vinegars

Oils and Vinegars Organic virgin coconut oil Organic virgin Olive Oil Flaxseed Oil Sesame Oil Cold pressed Pumpkin seed oil Walnut oil Cider vinegar Red wine vinegar Raw Apple Cid...

Plant-Based Milks

Plant-Based Milks Make sure to buy the unsweetened version, even those sweetened with agave syrup. Most of these are fortified with calcium and vitamin D3, depending on the brand. Avoid brands contain...

My Top Fitness, Fashion and Beauty Tips

Here's a selection of my top tips in everything from fitness, to fashion, beauty and lifestyle, as featured on   1. ‘For me it’s about feeling my best on the inside, because that’s when I ...

Purple Power Fertility Smoothie

A fertility smoothie? What on earth is that?! Let me explain... I'm at the age where a lot of my friend are either thinking about having a baby or actively trying. So I created this smoothie to give t...

Roast Butternut Squash, Lentil and Spinach Stew

 This is a deliciously warming and easy dish, plus it's a cheap and filling option for families, students and anyone watching the pennies. Kids will love the natural sweetness of the butternut squash and p...