Pink Lips and Feline Flicks

I popped into the TV3 studios this evening for a chat with the lovely Lucy and Martin on the Seven O'Clock Show sofa. I was there for a bit of a catch-up and to mention my role as an ambassador for the ISPCA, a...

Terrific Turmeric

A bright yellow spice that helps to make your complexion glow, turmeric is a true superfood for skin, thanks to its powerful antioxidant flavonoid, curcumin. Though used for centuries in the East, plenty of res...

Let’s Go Nuts!

The popularity of nuts has grown hugely in the past few years, as more and more people are realising the nutritional benefits of them, and they’re so easy to find now in almost every shop and supermarket. A ...

Eat Mango For Healthy Digestion and Glowing Skin

Meaty mango is a seriously satisfying fruit, thanks to its high levels of fibre, which is known to help lower cholesterol and support digestive health. An optimally-functioning digestive system is one of the gr...

The Benefits of Butternut Squash

One of my absolute favourite starchy vegetables, butternut squash has a gorgeous sweet flavour and can be used in so many different ways, from soups to stews and curries. It's the perfect warming winter veg! ...

My First Beauty, Food and Fitness Workshop

On Sunday, I held my first ever (and hopefully first of many!) Beauty, Food and Fitness Workshop at The Westbury Dublin, and I'd like to say a huge big thank you to everyone that came along and contributed ...

An Apple A Day: Why Apples Are So Good For Your Skin

An apple a day helps to keep the wrinkles at bay! Apples are a lunchbox and fruit bowl favourite, but they also contain plentiful nutrients for healthy skin. Their high content of vitamin C helps to buil...

November’s Top Beauty Buys

Somehow, it's the end of November already! I can't quite believe that December is a mere day or two away, and that the Christmas countdown has officially begun. Hurray! Here are my top beauty buys for Nov...

My Top Five Makeup Tricks For A Flawless Finish

I'm all for nourishing your skin, hair and body from the inside out, and I've never come across a more effective way to achieve a glowing and healthy appearance than to eat well, drink more water, exercise and ...