Do you eat your greens? The humble spinach leaf is an all-round superstar for your skin, body and health. Calorie for calorie, dark leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale offer us more nutrients than any other food.
Amongst their many valuable nutrients, their high levels of beta-carotene convert to vitamin A in the body, to build, repair and protect your cells. This nutrient helps to transform your complexion by helping to prevent fine lines, improving hydration in the top layer of skin and actively moving out dead skin cells to make room for fresh new ones.
The lipoic acid in spinach aids in rejuvenating the healthy skin-promoting antioxidant vitamins C and E. Spinach has even been found by some research to contain powerful anti-cancer carotenoids called epoxyxanthophylls, so its many benefits go far beyond younger-looking skin.
The anti-inflammatory benefits of spinach are well researched, with scientists identifying over twelve different flavonoids in spinach that work to reduce infections, including acne spots.
Spinach contains the powerful combination of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, to protect and rejuvenate your skin cells, as well as zinc and selenium for more youthful looking skin.
Spinach has a wide variety of beauty minerals, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and choline, plus B vitamins for an energy boost. It’s a decent source of omega-3 fatty acids for smooth and supple skin.
While kale is a similarly nourishing leafy green, also bursting with skin brightening nutrients, amino acids and antioxidants, I think that spinach works better in smoothies due to its creamy texture and subtle taste. It also makes a delicious side dish, sauteéd with garlic and chilli!
Throw a handful of baby spinach leaves into a smoothie each day to enjoy its numerous health and beauty benefits. This Kiwi-Cucumber Cooler make a deliciously refreshing option 🙂