Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle. In fact, apart from several hereditary skin conditions, your skin is largely determined by your habits and lifestyle choices. The healthier you are, the healthier your skin tends to look.


If you’re looking for ways to improve your skin, you may need to reevaluate the way you live. Start eating healthier and exercising and aim to limit harmful exposure by simplifying your product use and being conscious of your beauty products.

To give you a better picture, here are 5 ways your lifestyle affects your skin.

  1.     Too Much Stress With No Exercise


Stress has been linked to acne breakouts and exacerbating skin conditions like eczema. It’s always best to try reducing stress by managing your time to include mind and body exercise like meditation and yoga. Exercising produces happy hormones, including serotonin, that help reduce stress, and encourage your skin to look more glowing and fresh.

Always make sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin every after working out. With brands like  Well Within Beauty, you can find organic and natural products that you can use for cleansing and moisturizing your skin.

  1.     Not Having Enough Sleep


Having enough sleep is probably one of the most obvious signs of a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping 7-8 hours a day is recommended for the body to function efficiently and optimize the secretion of human growth hormones, which promotes collagen production.

With today’s fast-paced lifestyle, people generally sleep less and end up being more tired at the end of the day. When you’re tired, your skin loses its glow, making it appear darker and duller. Also, sleep deprivation causes the body to release stress hormones such as cortisol, which has been linked to inflammation, allergies and irritation.

  1.     Drinking Too Much Alcohol and Smoking


Drinking and smoking are known to cause damage to not only your skin, but also your whole body. Alcohol may dehydrate your skin, which can cause it to look flaky, dry, and dull.

Smoking produces chemicals that can damage your skin and decrease oxygen in the blood, a process associated with premature ageing.

  1.     Too Much Exposure To The Sun

Blue sky.

Avoid spending time under the sun, especially between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the heat is at its highest. If it can’t be avoided, apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Too much sun causes early signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and discolouration. Sunscreen helps you avoid these premature signs of ageing.

  1.     Unhealthy Food Intake


Foods that are high in refined sugar, artificial additives, and those containing certain unhealthy fats may reflect on your skin as well. Eat healthy foods like vegetables, berries and nuts and seeds rich in omega-3 fatty acids to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.

Also, always drink plenty of water! Drinking water keeps your body hydrated and helps to support your detoxification organs, including your skin. It also keeps your skin well moisturized, which preserves your skin’s elasticity and healthy glow.

To sum it all up, having a healthy lifestyle will reflect on your skin’s appearance. By making a few changes in your lifestyle, you can encourage more youthful and glowing skin.
